Can parents enter the zones? 

To ensure the safety of all, only qualified members are to be involved in the delivery of Nippers this season. Parents will NOT be permitted to enter the zones. 

Age Managers, Water Safety and COVID marshalls will be clearly identifiable (preferably wearing a uniform) so it is clear who is qualified to be within the zone. 


Exceptions to the “No parents” in the zone rule 

​One parent for each Red Fin child and each u6 child may enter the zone to assist 


If I have multiple children in separate zones, can I enter both zones? 

No – only participating age managers, water safety and covid marshalls may enter the zone. They will stay in the same zone for the duration of the morning. 


Can I watch the activities? 

Parents may watch from a safe distance outside of the zone. Please observe social distancing. Please do not form large groups or hang around the perimeter of the zone.  Where possible parents are encouraged to depart and enjoy their Sunday morning. 

We encourage parents to join our Wanda Walkers group who will depart from Gate 7 each week at 9:45am to head north for a walk and chat. 


If my child becomes unsettled or injured during the session, is there a way for me to be notified if I am not able to enter the zone?  Will I be permitted to enter the zone to assist with the situation? 

If there is an issue with your child, we will contact you promptly. Please have your mobile phone with you. 


We have multiple children to drop off to various zones, are we able to split up and have one parent drop one child off and the other drop the other child off in the other zone? 



My kids finish at different times because they are in different zones, so I will need to ‘hang around’, where is the best place to do this?   

The finish times are only a few minutes apart. Enough time to get to the other zone to collect. Children will stay in the zone with their age manager until the parents are sighted. Please be mindful of not congregating in a large group at pick up time. 


Are parents to pick up kids at finishing time at the entrance to the zone? 

Parents should wait near the age group flag (located in the zone) but outside the rope. Please collect your child and move away quickly to avoid a large crowd.


Are the kids required to social distance within the zone, or will they interact ‘as normal’, the way other sports have 

No, there are no restrictions on any activities as Nippers is considered a community sport. All events can be conducted. Physical contact should, however, be limited where possible and practical. 

Adults, in all settings, should be mindful of social distancing with other adults. 


How will lifesaving skills such as CPR and first aid be taught to the nippers this season? 

There will be some small amendments to the way that we run our education program this season to limit close contact. 


If we have a COVID test, do we need to advise you and then provide formal clearance before returning the following week?  If so, how would we do this? 

 If you have a positive result to a COVID test please notify the Club immediately and cannot attend any activities. 

If you are waiting on a result of a COVID test, you will need to self-isolate and wait until you have a negative result prior to attending nippers or training 


What if there is a confirmed close contact or positive COVID case within the nippers community present at a Sunday session?  Will Wanda SLSC notify us all, or will it be public health officials?  And if both happen to make contact, which instructions/advise take precedence? 

Any confirmed cases are to be reported to Wanda SLSC via our president or COVID Safety officer. NSW Health will then notify if you are required to take action. 


If we intend on remaining at the beach after nippers as members of the public, in the designated beach/flag area, this is presumably fine so long as we’ve removed nippers cap (as per usual)? 

Yes, once nippers is over, you may join the public in the flags on the beach. Please be mindful of overcrowding on busy days as under Public Beach management directives in place this season, the beach may be closed if it exceeds permitted numbers. 

If it is possible to head home straight after, please consider doing that. 


Is State Carnival likely to proceed - I.e. should I be booking accommodation for it now? 

SLSNSW is very hopeful of being able to run the state championships. As more information is provided, we shall communicate it to parents as we are aware that booking accommodation and work arrangements is a priority. There is a very real possibility that the state championships will have restricted entries or a qualifying process. This may meantthat some nippers may not be able to attend.  

We will advise as soon as we have clarification.


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